Consulting Services offered by Tom Brown and Savant Services

Services that Combine Real-world Experience with Proven Tools and Processes

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Leadership Development
Strategic Thinking and Organization Planning
Team Alignment and Development
Board Governance
Professional Speaking/Seminars

Leadership Development
To be successful, business leaders must earn the trust of those they lead; otherwise, they cannot motivate and energize their teams to be productive and profitable. And without buy-in from employees, an organization quickly becomes mired in poor work performance, low retention, and negativity.

Savant Services' “Leadership Development Program” teaches managers how to build trust, how to communicate effectively, and how to inspire their own teams.

Our goal is to develop the quality of leadership for your organization, not just leadership qualities, by:

  • Helping leaders understand they are accountable for the environments they create;
  • Objectively assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your leaders, and then creating custom plans to enhance leadership skills and core competencies as needed;
  • Training your leaders in effective communications, listening, and coaching skills;
  • Embedding knowledge, skills, and tools in the day-to-day routines of your leaders so they are able to create work environments based on trust and personal responsibility—work environments where people want to be accountable for their performance . . . and where people want to work and be productive.

IT'S YOUR MOVE! Contact us today to arrange a free introductory phone consult to explore how you and Savant Services might work together in the area of “Leadership Development.”


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Strategic Thinking & Organizational Planning
Good planning starts with honesty, open communications, open-mindedness, and commitment to success. Through our “Strategic Thinking & Organizational Planning Program,” Savant Services works with you from start-to-finish to create or revitalize your very own comprehensive planning process and make the important decisions.

This is not a cookie-cutter approach to planning. We realize that your organization is unique and that your opportunities and challenges are unique as well. Therefore you deserve solutions that are unique to your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Our approach is simple, but comprehensive:

  • We strive to understand the past by exploring your historical successes and failures.
  • We look to maximize the present by learning all we can about your organization and current operations.
  • We chart the future by discussing your desired destination.
  • Working together, we outline the goals and action steps that get you there.

Deliverables of this process include:

  • A comprehensive strategic plan that maximizes resources and minimizes surprises that could negatively affect your business;
  • A more cohesive management team that's trained in the tools, processes, and skills necessary to maintain a strategic planning process going forward.
  • Heightened corporate performance and a better sense of direction for the long term.


IT'S YOUR MOVE! Contact us today to arrange a free introductory phone consult to explore how you and Savant Services might work together in the area of “Strategic Thinking & Organizational Planning.”


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Team Alignment & Development
Our “Team Alignment and Development” programs identify and resolve challenges faced by underperforming teams. We work with you to develop and implement processes designed to:

  • Optimize existing resources by helping you better understand and enhance the skills of current team members.
  • Help you focus on how your leaders can tap into each team member's expertise, unique perspective, and experience.
  • Teach leaders and managers how to serve more effectively as team members and adapt their own behaviors to focus more on the team's overall success rather than individual responsibility.

We also emphasize the most important aspect of any team's success: the need for a clear and compelling performance challenge. Without such a challenge, there is no motivation for team members to give their best efforts or to adapt behavior.


IT'S YOUR MOVE! Contact us today to arrange a free introductory phone consult to explore how you and Savant Services might work together in the area of “Team Alignment & Development.”


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Board Governance
A vision points everyone in your organization toward success. Without it, pursuing and achieving success is, at best, difficult. Our “Board Governance Program” helps you assess the performance of your board and better define the roles for your organization's directors and senior managers.

Deliverables of this process include:

  • Assessing your board's current performance compared to governance best practices;
  • Determining how your directors can sustain your organization's mission;
  • A shared vision for the future and enhanced strategic leadership;
  • More board attention on results;
  • Corporate policies designed to effectively lead your organization into the future;
  • Increased board productivity in addressing critical company and policy issues;
  • Increased clarity in board-related communications and responsibilities.

Sound governance includes a thoughtful, structured approach to selecting directors, ongoing governance and leadership training, open communication, and a commitment to the success of the organization—all of which results in achieving desired results through a shared vision and strategic leadership.


IT'S YOUR MOVE! Contact us today to arrange a free introductory phone consult to explore how you and Savant Services might work together in the area of “Board Governance.”


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Professional Speaking Services/Seminars
With more than 30 years experience and expertise in business planning, decision-making, strategic thinking, team-building, and leadership, Savant Services Founder and Principal Tom Brown understands the challenges faced by today's CEOs and managers . . . because he has been there himself.

Tom is and energetic speaker well-known for a down-to-earth style that relates to people at all organizational levels. He is available to speak/present to your group, organization, or company on a variety of topics that can be customized to best suit the needs of your audience.

Available topics:

  • Strategic Planning for Profitable Growth: Overcoming the Boiled Frog Syndrome focuses on the struggles insurers face with strategic planning (including “10 Hot Water Indicators” that could mean trouble for a company's future) and demonstrates how planning, establishing a vision, and taking action can all lead to profitable growth.
  • Personal Goal-Setting looks at how you can establish realistic goals and stick with them to achieve real results.
  • Taking the Change Challenge explores ways you and your staff can adapt to change—from changes in company leadership to the introduction of new internal procedures and the results of a merger with another company—and create positive working environments.
  • Our Personal Development Seminar provides participants with the tools necessary to “make the most of their futures.” Be prepared to define personal or professional success on your own terms and then relate your definition to the organization for which you work. This topic is appropriate for all organizational levels.


IT'S YOUR MOVE! Contact us today to arrange a free introductory phone consult to explore how Savant Services might support your needs for a professional speaker of seminar leader.


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